How to remove application from app listings on Android Developer Console

Solution 1:

No, you can unpublish but once your application has been live on the market you cannot delete it. (Each package name is unique and Google remembers all package names anyway so you could use this a reminder)

The "Delete" button only works for unpublished version of your app. Once you published your app or a particular version of it, you cannot delete it from the Market. However, you can still "unpublish" it. The "Delete" button is only handy when you uploaded a new version, then you realized you goofed and want to remove that new version before publishing it.

A reference

Update, 2016

you can now filter out unpublished or draft apps from your listing.

enter image description here

Unpublish option can be found in the header area, beside PUBLISHED text. Unpublish link


Due to changes in the new play console, the unpublish option was moved to a different location as follows.
Click All Apps in the left pane. Then click the app you want to remove.

Then under the Setup option in the left pane, Click Advanced Settings.

Then under App Availablity on the right, change the status to UnPublished and click Save Changes at the bottom.

Take a look at the image below:
New UnPublish screenshot

Solution 2:

Select Store Presense then Pricing Distribution and select Unpublish from App Availability. enter image description here

Google's help for this is here: (as of Feb-2020)

Solution 3:

you can remove an App from the store or "Unpublish" by clicking a tiny label bellow your app's title, right side of the "PUBLISHED" green status label.

enter image description here

Works even if your app was live (published) for long time, mine was.


Solution 4:

enter image description here

From Google Play Console, Select your app. Select Store Presence and select Pricing and Distribution from the side menu. There is a toggle switch to Publish and Unpublish app. Select UnPublish and click Submit Update Button in the top right corner.