Does Google Chrome support Silverlight?

TechCrunch: Silverlight 4 In Beta. Supports Google Chrome.

Microsoft announced the availability of Silverlight 4 in beta at its Professional Developers Conference (PDC) today. Some of the new features include more fluid animations, Webcam, microphone and printing support, 200 percent faster start times than Silverlight 3, deep zoom and multi-touch support and more. It now also supports Google Chrome, even though it’s just a rounding error of a browser.

Some more details on Silverlight 4 features and its Chrome support.
There are also notes of some success with Silverlight 3.

Yes, Silverlight works perfectly fine in Chrome, at least on Windows. No need for any Dev Version or hackery, it works fine in both Chrome 3 and 4, and the released version of Silverlight 2, 3 or 4 Beta works.

Go to, click on Install, ignore the "Your Browser is not Supported" Warning and click on the Windows Download link to download Silverlight.exe, install, you're done.

Support for silverlight on Chrome has been dropped. The currently chosen answer does not reflect recent developments.