c++ multiple definitions of a variable

I'm not going to include all of the details, but you define a global variable, wat twice in your compilation uint.

To fix, use the following:


extern int wat;


int wat = 0;

This (extern) tells the compile that the variable wat exists somewhere, and that it needs to find it on it's own (in this case, it's in FileB.cpp)

Don't declare the variable in the header. #include literally copies and pastes the contents of the file into the other file (that is, any file that does #include "FileB.h" will literally copy the contents of FileB.h into it, which means int wat gets defined in every file that does #include "FileB.h").

If you want to access wat from FileA.cpp, and it's declared in FileB.cpp, you can mark it as extern in FileA.cpp.

I found the answer now (I guess looking at the files one after another helped) The problem is that the compiler creates a FileB.o which has a definition of wat, and then it tries to compile FilB.o with FileA.cpp, while FileA.h has an include of FileB.h it will now also have a definition of wat.

You get multiple definition because wat is declared at file scope and get's visible twice in the 2 source files.

Instead, make the variable declartion extern and define it in exactly one source file.

extern int wat;  // In FileB.h

int wat;   // In FileB.cpp