How to convert Counter object to dict?

Solution 1:

A Counter is already a dict - or, a subclass of it. But, if you really need exactly a dict for some reason, then its a one-liner:

>>> c = Counter(word1=4, word2=3)
>>> c
Counter({'word1': 4, 'word2': 3})
>>> dict(c)
{'word1': 4, 'word2': 3}

Any Mapping (anything that behaves like a dictionary) can be passed into dict, and you will get a dict with the same contents. There is no need to iterate over it to construct it yourself.

This gives you one loop, with one line in the body instead of a nested loop. But any code of the form:

 thing = a new empty collection
 for elem in old_thing:
    Add something to do with elem to thing

Can usually be done in one line using a generator expression or a list, set or dict comprehension. We're building a dict, so a dict comprehension (the Examples section is what you're most interested in) seems likely. I'll leave coming up with it as an exercise for the reader. ;-)