Justify string algorithm [closed]

Just tanked a job interview where I was asked to implement a function with this signature:

function justify($str_in, $desired_length)

It needs to mimic what HTML's text-align: justify would do, here's some examples (desired_length = 48)

    hello world there ok then                              = hello......world......there.......ok.......then
    hello                                                  = .....................hello.....................
    ok then                                                = ok.........................................then
    this string is almost certainly longer than 48 I think = this.string.is.almost.certainly.longer.than.48.
    two words                                              = two.......................................words
    three ok words                                         = three.................ok..................words
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9                                      = 1....2....3.....4.....5.....6.....7.....8.....9

(I replaced the spaces with periods to illustrate)

The length of spaces between words may never differ by more than one.

I have written a PHP solution, but I am more interested in what algorithms people can come up with to solve the problem. It was my first whiteboard question at a job interview ever, and I'm afraid a combination of factors made me take way longer than I should have.

Solution 1:

Here's what I came up with. I added the optional $char parameter so you can see what it's outputting - Of course you can pull it inside the function so the prototype matches the requirement.

function justify($str_in, $desired_length, $char = '_') {

    // Some common vars and simple error checking / sanitation
    $return = '';
    $str_in = trim( $str_in);
    $desired_length = intval( $desired_length);

    // If we've got invalid input, we're done
    if( $desired_length <= 0)
        return $str_in;

    // If the input string is greater than the length, we need to truncate it WITHOUT splitting words
    if( strlen( $str_in) > $desired_length) {
        $str = wordwrap($str_in, $desired_length);
        $str = explode("\n", $str);
        $str_in = $str[0];

    $words = explode( ' ', $str_in);
    $num_words = count( $words);

    // If there's only one word, it's a simple edge case
    if( $num_words == 1) {
        $length = ($desired_length - strlen( $words[0])) / 2;
        $return .= str_repeat( $char, floor( $length)) . $words[0] . str_repeat( $char, ceil( $length));
    } else {
        $word_length = strlen( implode( '', $words));

        // Calculate the number of spaces to distribute over the words
        $num_words--; // We're going to eliminate the last word
        $spaces = floor( ($desired_length - $word_length) / $num_words);
        $remainder = $desired_length - $word_length - ($num_words * $spaces);

        $last = array_pop( $words);
        foreach( $words as $word) {
            // If we didn't get an even number of spaces to distribute, just tack it on to the front
            $spaces_to_add = $spaces;
            if( $remainder > 0) {

            $return .= $word . str_repeat( $char, $spaces_to_add);
        $return .= $last;
    return $return;

And the test cases:

$inputs = array( 
    'hello world there ok then',
    'ok then',
    'this string is almost certainly longer than 48 I think',
    'two words',
    'three ok words',
    '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'

foreach( $inputs as $x) {
    $ret = justify( $x, 48);
    echo 'Inp: ' . $x . " - strlen(" . strlen( $x) .  ")\n";
    echo 'Out: ' . $ret . " - strlen(" . strlen( $ret) .  ")\n\n";

And the output:

Inp: hello world there ok then - strlen(25)
Out: hello_______world_______there_______ok______then - strlen(48)

Inp: hello - strlen(5)
Out: _____________________hello______________________ - strlen(48)

Inp: ok then - strlen(7)
Out: ok__________________________________________then - strlen(48)

Inp: this string is almost certainly longer than 48 I think - strlen(54)
Out: this_string_is_almost_certainly_longer_than_48_I - strlen(48)

Inp: two words - strlen(9)
Out: two________________________________________words - strlen(48)

Inp: three ok words - strlen(14)
Out: three__________________ok__________________words - strlen(48)

Inp: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - strlen(17)
Out: 1_____2_____3_____4_____5_____6_____7_____8____9 - strlen(48)

And a demo!

Edit: Cleaned up the code, and it still works :).

Solution 2:

Made it a personal challenge to not use any loops/recursion or regex with callbacks. I used a single explode() and a single implode() to achieve this. Great success!

The Code

function justify($str, $maxlen) {
    $str = trim($str);

    $strlen = strlen($str);
    if ($strlen >= $maxlen) {
        $str = wordwrap($str, $maxlen);
        $str = explode("\n", $str);
        $str = $str[0];
        $strlen = strlen($str);

    $space_count = substr_count($str, ' ');
    if ($space_count === 0) {
        return str_pad($str, $maxlen, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH);

    $extra_spaces_needed = $maxlen - $strlen;
    $total_spaces = $extra_spaces_needed + $space_count;

    $space_string_avg_length = $total_spaces / $space_count;
    $short_string_multiplier = floor($space_string_avg_length);
    $long_string_multiplier = ceil($space_string_avg_length);

    $short_fill_string = str_repeat(' ', $short_string_multiplier);
    $long_fill_string = str_repeat(' ', $long_string_multiplier);

    $limit = ($space_string_avg_length - $short_string_multiplier) * $space_count;

    $words_split_by_long = explode(' ', $str, $limit+1);
    $words_split_by_short = $words_split_by_long[$limit];
    $words_split_by_short = str_replace(' ', $short_fill_string, $words_split_by_short);
    $words_split_by_long[$limit] = $words_split_by_short;

    $result = implode($long_fill_string, $words_split_by_long);

    return $result;

Short (348 chars)

function j($s,$m){$s=trim($s);$l=strlen($s);if($l>=$m){$s=explode("\n",wordwrap($s,$m));$s=$s[0];$l=strlen($s);}$c=substr_count($s,' ');if($c===0)return str_pad($s,$m,' ',STR_PAD_BOTH);$a=($m-$l+$c)/$c;$h=floor($a);$i=($a-$h)*$c;$w=explode(' ',$s,$i+1);$w[$i]=str_replace(' ',str_repeat(' ',$h),$w[$i]);return implode(str_repeat(' ',ceil($a)),$w);}

Algorithm / Code explanation

  1. Handle the two exceptions (string longer than max length or only one word).
  2. Find the average space needed between each word ($space_string_avg_length).
  3. Create a long and short fill string for use between the words, based on ceil() and floor() of the $space_string_avg_length, respectively.
  4. Find out how many long fill strings we need. ($limit+1).
  5. Split the text based on how many long fill strings we need.
  6. Replace spaces in the last part of the array, made by the split, with the short fill strings.
  7. Join the split text back together with the long fill strings.


$tests = array(
    'hello world there ok then',
    'ok then',
    'this string is almost certainly longer than 48 I think',
    'two words',
    'three ok words',
    '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'

foreach ($tests as $test) {
    $len_before = strlen($test);
    $processed = str_replace(' ', '_', justify($test, 48));
    $len_after = strlen($processed);
    echo "IN($len_before): $test\n";
    echo "OUT($len_after): $processed\n";


IN(25): hello world there ok then
OUT(48): hello_______world_______there_______ok______then
IN(5): hello
OUT(48): _____________________hello______________________
IN(7): ok then
OUT(48): ok__________________________________________then
IN(54): this string is almost certainly longer than 48 I think
OUT(48): this_string_is_almost_certainly_longer_than_48_I
IN(9): two words
OUT(48): two________________________________________words
IN(14): three ok words
OUT(48): three__________________ok__________________words
IN(17): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
OUT(48): 1_____2_____3_____4_____5_____6_____7_____8____9

See it run!

Solution 3:

Here's my solution with no pesky loops

function justify( $str_in, $desired_length=48 ) {
    if ( strlen( $str_in ) > $desired_length ) {
        $str_in = current( explode( "\n", wordwrap( $str_in, $desired_length ) ) );
    $string_length = strlen( $str_in );
    $spaces_count = substr_count( $str_in, ' ' );
    $needed_spaces_count = $desired_length - $string_length + $spaces_count;
    if ( $spaces_count === 0 ) {
        return str_pad( $str_in, $desired_length, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH );
    $spaces_per_space = ceil( $needed_spaces_count / $spaces_count );
    $spaced_string = preg_replace( '~\s+~', str_repeat( ' ', $spaces_per_space ), $str_in );
    return preg_replace_callback(
        sprintf( '~\s{%s}~', $spaces_per_space ),
        function ( $m ) use( $spaces_per_space ) {
            return str_repeat( ' ', $spaces_per_space-1 );
        strlen( $spaced_string ) - $desired_length

Comments and output...


  1. Find out how many spaces there are
  2. Find out how many spaces are needed
  3. Replace existing spaces with the amount of spaces (evenly distributed) needed to meet or just exceed desired line length
  4. Use preg_replace_callback to replace the amount of \s{spaces_inserted} with \s{spaces_inserted-1} necessary to meet the desired line length

Solution 4:

I wanted to see which algorithm was the most efficient, so I ran some benchmarks. I did 100k iterations of all 7 test cases. (Ran it in a single core Ubuntu VM)

The results of @ppsreejith and @Kristian Antonsen's code are omitted, because their code crashed when I tried to run it. @PhpMyCoder's code ran as long as I didn't do the formatting to 48 length after object construction. Therefore the test result is incomplete. (Fixed)

Benchmark results

$ php justify.bench.php
Galen(justify1): 5.1464750766754
nickb(justify2): 3.8629620075226
Paolo Bergantino(justify3): 4.3705048561096
user381521(justify5): 8.5988481044769
vlzvl(justify7): 6.6795041561127
Alexander(justify8): 6.7060301303864
ohaal(justify9): 2.9896130561829

PhpMyCoder: 6.1514630317688 (Fixed!)


$tests = array(
    'hello world there ok then',
    'ok then',
    'this string is almost certainly longer than 48 I think',
    'two words',
    'three ok words',
    '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'
$testers = array(
    'Galen' => 'justify1',
    'nickb' => 'justify2',
    'Paolo Bergantino' => 'justify3',
//    'Kristian Antonsen' => 'justify4',
    'user381521' => 'justify5',
//    'ppsreejith' => 'justify6',
    'vlzvl' => 'justify7',
    'Alexander' => 'justify8',
    'ohaal' => 'justify9'
// ppsreejith and Kristian Antonsen's code crashed and burned when I tried to run it
// PhpMyCoder is a special case, but his code also crashed when doing $jus->format(48);

foreach ($testers as $tester => $func) {
        foreach ($tests as $test)
    echo $tester.'('.$func.'): '.($a-$b)."\n";

echo "\n";

// Fixed!
$jus = new Justifier($tests);

for($i=0;$i<100000;$i++) {

echo 'PhpMyCoder: '.($a-$b)." (Fixed!)\n";


// Galen
function justify1( $str_in, $desired_length=48 ) {
    if ( strlen( $str_in ) > $desired_length ) {
        $str_in = current( explode( "\n", wordwrap( $str_in, $desired_length ) ) );
    $string_length = strlen( $str_in );
    $spaces_count = substr_count( $str_in, ' ' );
    $needed_spaces_count = $desired_length - $string_length + $spaces_count;
    if ( $spaces_count === 0 ) {
        return str_pad( $str_in, $desired_length, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH );
    $spaces_per_space = ceil( $needed_spaces_count / $spaces_count );
    $spaced_string = preg_replace( '~\s+~', str_repeat( ' ', $spaces_per_space ), $str_in );
    return preg_replace_callback(
        sprintf( '~\s{%s}~', $spaces_per_space ),
        function ( $m ) use( $spaces_per_space ) {
            return str_repeat( ' ', $spaces_per_space-1 );
        strlen( $spaced_string ) - $desired_length
// nickb
function justify2($str_in, $desired_length, $char = '_') {

    // Some common vars and simple error checking / sanitation
    $return = '';
    $str_in = trim( $str_in);
    $desired_length = intval( $desired_length);

    // If we've got invalid input, we're done
    if( $desired_length <= 0)
        return $str_in;

    // If the input string is greater than the length, we need to truncate it WITHOUT splitting words
    if( strlen( $str_in) > $desired_length) {
        $str = wordwrap($str_in, $desired_length);
        $str = explode("\n", $str);
        $str_in = $str[0];

    $words = explode( ' ', $str_in);
    $num_words = count( $words);

    // If there's only one word, it's a simple edge case
    if( $num_words == 1) {
        $length = ($desired_length - strlen( $words[0])) / 2;
        $return .= str_repeat( $char, floor( $length)) . $words[0] . str_repeat( $char, ceil( $length));
    } else {
        $word_length = strlen( implode( '', $words));

        // Calculate the number of spaces to distribute over the words
        $num_words--; // We're going to eliminate the last word
        $spaces = floor( ($desired_length - $word_length) / $num_words);
        $remainder = $desired_length - $word_length - ($num_words * $spaces);

        $last = array_pop( $words);
        foreach( $words as $word) {
            // If we didn't get an even number of spaces to distribute, just tack it on to the front
            $spaces_to_add = $spaces;
            if( $remainder > 0) {

            $return .= $word . str_repeat( $char, $spaces_to_add);
        $return .= $last;
    return $return;
// Paolo Bergantino
function justify3($str, $to_len) {
    $str = trim($str);
    $strlen = strlen($str);

    if($str == '') return '';

    if($strlen >= $to_len) {
        return substr($str, 0, $to_len);   

    $words = explode(' ', $str);
    $word_count = count($words);
    $space_count = $word_count - 1;

    if($word_count == 1) {
        return str_pad($str, $to_len, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH);

    $space = $to_len - $strlen + $space_count;
    $per_space = $space/$space_count;

    if(is_int($per_space)) {
        return implode($words, str_pad('', $per_space, ' '));    

    $new_str = '';
    $spacing = floor($per_space);
    $new_str .= $words[0] . str_pad('', $spacing);
    foreach($words as $x => $word) {
        if($x == $word_count - 1 || $x == 0) continue;
        if($x < $word_count - 1) {
            $diff = $to_len - strlen($new_str) - (strlen(implode('', array_slice($words, $x))));
            $new_str .= $word . str_pad('', floor($diff/($space_count - $x)), ' ');
    $new_str .= $words[$x];

    return $new_str;   
// Kristian Antonsen
function justify4($str_in, $desired_length)
    foreach ($str_in as &$line) {
        $words = explode(' ', $line);
        $word_count = count($words) - 1;
        $spaces_to_fill = $desired_length - strlen($line) + $word_count;
        if (count($words) == 1) {
            $line = str_repeat('_', ceil($spaces_to_fill/2)) . $line
                  . str_repeat('_', floor($spaces_to_fill/2));
        $next_space = floor($spaces_to_fill/$word_count);
        $leftover_space = $spaces_to_fill % $word_count;
        $line = array_shift($words);
        foreach($words as $word) {
            $extra_space = ($leftover_space) ? ceil($leftover_space / $word_count) : 0;
            $leftover_space -= $extra_space;
            $line .= str_repeat('_', $next_space + $extra_space) . $word;
    return $str_in;
// user381521
function justify5 ($str, $len)
    // split by whitespace, remove empty strings
    $words = array_diff (preg_split ('/\s+/', $str), array (""));

    // just space if no words
    if (count ($words) == 0)
        return str_repeat (" ", $len);

    // add empty strings if only one element
    if (count ($words) == 1)
        $words = array ("", $words[0], "");

    // get number of words and spaces
    $wordcount = count ($words);
    $numspaces = $wordcount - 1;

    // get number of non-space characters
    $numchars = array_sum (array_map ("strlen", $words));

    // get number of characters remaining for space
    $remaining = $len - $numchars;

    // return if too little spaces remaining
    if ($remaining <= $numspaces)
        return substr (implode (" ", $words), 0, $len);

    // get number of spaces per space
    $spaces_per_space = $remaining / $numspaces;
    $spaces_leftover = $remaining % $numspaces;

    // make array for spaces, spread out leftover spaces
    $spaces = array_fill (0, $numspaces, $spaces_per_space);
    while ($spaces_leftover--)
        $spaces[$numspaces - $spaces_leftover - 1]++;
    $spaces[] = 0; // make count ($words) == count ($spaces)

    // join it all together
    $result = array ();
    foreach ($words as $k => $v)
        array_push ($result, $v, str_repeat (" ", $spaces[$k]));
    return implode ($result);
// ppsreejith
function justify6($str, $to_len) {
    $str = trim($str);
    $strlen = strlen($str);

    if($str == '') return '';

    if($strlen >= $to_len) {
        return substr($str, 0, $to_len);   

    $words = explode(' ', $str);
    $word_count = count($words);
    $space_count = $word_count - 1;

    if($word_count == 1) {
        return str_pad($str, $to_len, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH);

    $space = $to_len - $strlen + $space_count;
    $per_space = floor($space/$space_count);
    $spaces = str_pad('', $per_space, ' ');
    $curr_word = implode($words, $spaces);
    while(strlen($curr_word) < $to_len){
    $curr_word = substr($curr_word,0,preg_match("[! ][".$spaces."][! ]",$curr_word)." ".preg_match("[! ][".$spaces."][! ]",$curr_word));
    return $curr_word;
// vlzvl
function justify7($str_in, $desired_length)
   $str_in = preg_replace("!\s+!"," ",$str_in);   // get rid of multiple spaces
   $words = explode(" ",$str_in);   // break words
   $num_words = sizeof($words);     // num words
   if ($num_words==1) {
      return str_pad($str_in,$desired_length,"_",STR_PAD_BOTH);
   else {
      $num_chars = 0; $lenwords = array();
      for($x=0;$x<$num_words;$x++) { $num_chars += $lenwords[$x] = strlen($words[$x]); }
      $each_div = round(($desired_length - $num_chars) / ($num_words-1));
      for($x=0,$sum=0;$x<$num_words;$x++) { $sum += ($lenwords[$x] + ($x<$num_words-1 ? $each_div : 0)); }
      $space_to_addcut = ($desired_length - $sum);
      for($x=0;$x<$num_words-1;$x++) {
         $words[$x] .= str_repeat("_",$each_div+($each_div>1? ($space_to_addcut<0?-1:($space_to_addcut>0?1:0)) :0));
         if ($each_div>1) { $space_to_addcut += ($space_to_addcut<0 ? 1 : ($space_to_addcut>0?-1:0) ); }
      return substr(implode($words),0,$desired_length);
// Alexander
function justify8($str, $length) {
  $words   = explode(' ', $str);
  if(count($words)==1) $words = array("", $str, "");
  $spaces  = $length - array_sum(array_map("strlen", $words));
  $add     = (int)($spaces / (count($words) - 1));
  $left    = $spaces % (count($words) - 1);
  $spaced  = implode(str_repeat("_", $add + 1), array_slice($words, 0, $left + 1));
  $spaced .= str_repeat("_", max(1, $add));
  $spaced .= implode(str_repeat("_", max(1, $add)), array_slice($words, $left + 1));
  return substr($spaced, 0, $length);
// ohaal
function justify9($s,$m){$s=trim($s);$l=strlen($s);if($l>=$m){$s=explode("\n",wordwrap($s,$m));$s=$s[0];$l=strlen($s);}$c=substr_count($s,' ');if($c===0)return str_pad($s,$m,' ',STR_PAD_BOTH);$a=($m-$l+$c)/$c;$h=floor($a);$i=($a-$h)*$c;$w=explode(' ',$s,$i+1);$w[$i]=str_replace(' ',str_repeat(' ',$h),$w[$i]);return implode(str_repeat(' ',ceil($a)),$w);}

// PhpMyCoder
class Justifier {
    private $text;

    public function __construct($text) {
        if(!is_string($text) && !is_array($text)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Expected a string or an array of strings, instead received type: ' . gettype($text));

        if(is_array($text)) {
            // String arrays must be converted to JustifierLine arrays
            $this->text = array_map(function($line) {
                return JustifierLine::fromText($line);
            }, $text);
        } else {
            // Single line of text input
            $this->text = $text;

    public function format($width = NULL) {
        // Strings have to be broken into an array and then jusitifed
        if(is_string($this->text)) {
            if($width == null) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException('A width must be provided for separation when an un-split string is provided');

            if($width <= 0) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException('Expected a positive, non-zero width, instead received width of ' . $width);

            // Break up a JustifierLine of all text until each piece is smaller or equal to $width
            $lines = array(JustifierLine::fromText($this->text));
            $count = 0;
            $newLine = $lines[0]->breakAtColumn($width);

            while($newLine !== null) {
                $lines[] = $newLine;
                $newLine = $lines[++$count]->breakAtColumn($width);
        } else {
            $lines = $this->text;

            // Allow for fluid width (uses longest line with single space)
            if($width == NULL) {
                $width = -1;

                foreach($lines as $line) {
                    // Width of line = Sum of the lengths of the words and the spaces (number of words - 1)
                    $newWidth = $line->calculateWordsLength() + $line->countWords() - 1;

                    if($newWidth > $width) { // Looking for the longest line
                        $width = $newWidth;

        // Justify each element of array
        //$output = array_map(function($line) use ($width) {
        //    return $this->justify($line, $width);
        //}, $lines);

        $output = array();
        foreach($lines as $line) {
            $output[] = $this->justify($line, $width);

        // If a single-line is passed in, a single line is returned
        if(count($output)) {
            return $output[0];

        return $output;

    private function justify(JustifierLine $line, $width) {
        // Retrieve already calculated line information
        $words     = $line->extractWords();
        $spaces    = $line->countWords() - 1;
        $wordLens  = $line->findWordLengths();
        $wordsLen  = $line->calculateWordsLength();
        $minWidth  = $wordsLen + $spaces;
        $output    = '';

        if($minWidth > $width) {
            throw new LengthException('A minimum width of ' . $minWidth . ' was required, but a width of ' . $width . ' was given instead');

        // No spaces means only one word (center align)
        if($spaces == 0) {
            return str_pad($words[0], $width, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH);

        for(;$spaces > 0; $spaces--) {
            // Add next word to output and subtract its length from counters
            $output   .= array_shift($words);
            $length    = array_shift($wordLens);
            $wordsLen -= $length;
            $width    -= $length;

            if($spaces == 1) { // Last Iteration
                return $output . str_repeat(' ', $width - $wordsLen) . $words[0];

            // Magic padding is really just simple math
            $padding  = floor(($width - $wordsLen) / $spaces);
            $output  .= str_repeat(' ', $padding);
            $width   -= $padding;

class JustifierLine {
    private $words;
    private $numWords;
    private $wordLengths;
    private $wordsLength;

    public static function fromText($text) {
        // Split words into an array
        preg_match_all('/[^ ]+/', $text, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
        $words       = $matches[0];

        // Count words
        $numWords    = count($words);

        // Find the length of each word
        $wordLengths = array_map('strlen', $words);

        //And Finally, calculate the total length of all words
        $wordsLength = array_reduce($wordLengths, function($result, $length) {
            return $result + $length;
        }, 0);

        return new JustifierLine($words, $numWords, $wordLengths, $wordsLength);

    private function __construct($words, $numWords, $wordLengths, $wordsLength) {
        $this->words       = $words;
        $this->numWords    = $numWords;
        $this->wordLengths = $wordLengths;
        $this->wordsLength = $wordsLength;

    public function extractWords() { return $this->words; }
    public function countWords() { return $this->numWords; }
    public function findWordLengths() { return $this->wordLengths; }
    public function calculateWordsLength() { return $this->wordsLength; }

    public function breakAtColumn($column) {
        // Avoid extraneous processing if we can determine no breaking can be done
        if($column >= ($this->wordsLength + $this->numWords - 1)) {
            return null;

        $width       = 0;
        $wordsLength = 0;

        for($i = 0; $i < $this->numWords; $i++) {
            // Add width of next word
            $width += $this->wordLengths[$i];

            // If the line is overflowing past required $width
            if($width > $column) {
                // Remove overflow at end & create a new object with the overflow
                $words             = array_splice($this->words, $i);
                $numWords          = $this->numWords - $i;
                $this->numWords    = $i;
                $wordLengths       = array_splice($this->wordLengths, $i);
                $tempWordsLength   = $wordsLength;
                $wordsLength       = $this->wordsLength - $wordsLength;
                $this->wordsLength = $tempWordsLength;

                return new JustifierLine($words, $numWords, $wordLengths, $wordsLength);

            $width++; // Assuming smallest spacing to fit

            // We also have to keep track of the total $wordsLength
            $wordsLength += $this->wordLengths[$i];

        return null;