How to search by coordinates in Apple Maps?

Using google maps, looking for N45°11.760 E5°45.936 works to show the geolocation on a map.

Unfortunately this does not work on Maps.

Any idea how to do it ?

Well it seems that Maps only want decimals : 45.196000, 5.765600

Too bad it isn't as flexible as GMaps.

It's not the most elegant solution, but it does work!

  1. Drop a pin where you want the coordinates
  2. Hit the info and then share button
  3. Pick something likes messages, etc. Right click on the link that gets created and hit 'edit link'. You'll see the latitude and longitude as parameters in the URL. For example:,-77.036542&q=The%20White%20House&hnear=38.897517,-77.036542

Latitude and Longitude are right there in the URL params.