How to search by coordinates in Apple Maps?
Using google maps, looking for N45°11.760 E5°45.936
works to show the geolocation on a map.
Unfortunately this does not work on Maps.
Any idea how to do it ?
Well it seems that Maps only want decimals : 45.196000, 5.765600
Too bad it isn't as flexible as GMaps.
It's not the most elegant solution, but it does work!
- Drop a pin where you want the coordinates
- Hit the info and then share button
- Pick something likes messages, etc. Right click on the link that gets created and hit 'edit link'. You'll see the latitude and longitude as parameters in the URL. For example:,-77.036542&q=The%20White%20House&hnear=38.897517,-77.036542
Latitude and Longitude are right there in the URL params.