How do I configure Dropbox to log to syslog?

Dropbox is currently running well on Ubuntu server 10.04. How can I setup dropbox to log any sync in syslog or even separate log file?

Solution 1:

You can get some kind of logging by listening to .dropbox/iface_socket. Where .dropbox is the default folder of the dropbox daemon (not client). iface_socket is what the client (open source) and the server (closed source) uses to communicate. Note than I talking about the local client (cli, nautilus-plugin, etc) and local server, not the one that is run on the net by Dropbox.

You can find a ruby script to read this socket here, but I was not able to check it.

I'm not sure if this will give you the info that you want, but this is the best that I can think of short of making a feature request to the dropbox developers.