Reliable custom Windows shortcut keys?
I have global Windows shortcut keys assigned to several different cmd.exe instances. I do this by creating shortcuts to cmd.exe on my desktop, and assigning each one a unique shortcut key (for example, CTRL + SHIFT + U). Pretty basic stuff. I'm using Win2K8 (R1 and R2).
This works just fine... most of the time. But with infuriating regularity, sometimes it doesn't. Or it will work with a long delay (many seconds). It doesn't matter what app currently has focus (it can even be one of the command prompts). It doesn't matter what keys I assign (I've tried a few variations of WIN, CTRL and SHIFT). I did notice that this is often, but not always, correlated with explorer.exe struggling in some way or another (say, an explorer window opened to a file share that's unavailable, or an app being unresponsive, or whatever). In other words the shortcut key handling appears to be very sensitive to unrelated system activity. Note that whenever I have this problem I can always successfully ALT + TAB to the window I want to get to, but that's tedious.
I use the shortcuts to these command windows hundreds of times a day so even a 1% failure rate becomes really annoying.
Is there a way to fix this, or is there some third-party utility out there that will RELIABLY intercept custom key combinations to bring focus to whatever apps I want, in a way that is independent of other system activity?
There is a property of the Windows shortcuts that I would not want to lose if switching to a third-party hotkey tool: Windows shortcuts are idempotent. Once you've launched a shortcut to some app, pressing the shortcut key combo again takes you to the already launched process - it does not launch a new process.
Use Autohotkey. The scripting language is non standard and can be difficult to learn, but if all you're wanting to do is reliably launch programs, its simple. Plus you can base shortcuts off the Windows key! Use following sample script and modify it to your needs. (Lines starting with ;
are comments.)
;win + alt + e ... unload ipod
run d:\Downloads\Apps\deveject\eject ipod.bat
;win + w ... launch winamp
run c:\program files (x86)\winamp\winamp.exe
;win + a ... launch AS400
run C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Client Access\Emulator\Private\
;win + Shift a ... launch AS400 Printer
run C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Client Access\Emulator\Private\
;win + ctrl + Shift a ... launch 2nd AS400
run C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Client Access\Emulator\Private\
Save this as a .ahk file on your desktop, install autohotkey and run it.
Every time you press any key combination, AutoHotkey will scan this script. If it matches any of the key combinations that preceed a ::
, it will execute the next command. If the return statement is missing, the AHK will continue to scan the script for matches after executing your statement. The key combinations are described below.
# = Windows Key
+ = Shift
^ = Control
! = Alt
You can use these in any combination with the letters of your keyboard. One combination I find extremely useful is as follows.
; ALT Backtick ... ctrl f4
Loop, parse, RcvCtrlW, `,
IfWinActive %A_LoopField%
sendinput ^w
sendinput ^{f4}
; win Backtick ... alt f4
sendinput !{f4}
This is Alt + ` and Win + `. When this script is running and I press alt + `, the script sends ctrl + F4. Win + ` becomes alt + F4.
Autohotkey is basically its own programming language. I have scripts set up that simulate "Rocker Gestures" system wide. I have GMail like shortcuts for my email. If you spend the time to learn some of its tricks, you can get nuts with it. Lifehacker has a whole bunch of useful scripts for Autohotkey. Have Fun!
Here's how I use AutoHotKey in a manner that meets your idempotent requirement.
As an example, I've hooked Caps Lock
to a Firefox window on Stack Overflow, Caps Lock
to Firefox at Super User, and Caps Lock
to a command prompt.
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
IfWinActive, %TheWindowTitle%
WinMinimize, %TheWindowTitle%
IfWinExist, %TheWindowTitle%
WinGet, winid, ID, %TheWindowTitle%
DllCall("SwitchToThisWindow", "UInt", winid, "UInt", 1)
run %TheAppPath%
; the actual hotkeys:
CapsLock & a::StartOrToggleMinimize("Stack Overflow", "c:\program files\mozilla firefox\firefox.exe -new-window")
CapsLock & s::StartOrToggleMinimize("Super User", "c:\program files\mozilla firefox\firefox.exe -new-window")
CapsLock & d::StartOrToggleMinimize("cmd", "cmd")
You can change the title match mode to be as restrictive as you need. If I had another hotkey that matched on "Mozilla Firefox" (instead of "Super User", for example) it would cycle through all my Firefox instances, since each has that text in the window title and I have it set to match the text anywhere in the title.
This script is heavily based on this article at LifeHacker.
Yet another alternative to launch your programs fast and intuitively:
Launchy is a free windows and linux utility designed to help you forget about your start menu, the icons on your desktop, and even your file manager.
Launchy indexes the programs in your start menu and can launch your documents, project files, folders, and bookmarks with just a few keystrokes!
Unfortunately 6 years later with Windows 10 the same issues exist, and with a recent Windows 10 update I found that some shortcuts/programs are no longer idempotent! Especially Putty where I have multiple shortcuts for the same session.
So I use AutoHotKey and modified the function shared in this thread (based on this article at LifeHacker) so that it uses an INI file to keep track of each shortcut. This does not use the Windows Title of each program as that can change in Putty if you use screen or SSH into another server, a feature I personally want to keep!
Also included is a function "DeleteINIEntry()" which you can create a shortcut for to have it remove an UniqueName entry from the INI file. Or you can just manually edit and change the file.
INIFilePath := "C:\Temp\AHK.ini"
RunOrSwitchWin( UniqueName, AppPath )
global INIFilePath
IniRead, TargetID, %INIFilePath%, windowids, %UniqueName%
ActiveID := WinExist("A")
; cannot use '=' here as comparing an integar to string doesn't work well
IfEqual TargetID, %ActiveID%
WinGet, AllIDs, list
Loop, %AllIDs%
this_id := AllIDs%A_Index%
ifEqual TargetID, %this_id%
DllCall("SwitchToThisWindow", "UInt", this_id, "UInt", 1)
run, %AppPath%,,, CurrentPID
WinWait ahk_pid %CurrentPID%
IniWrite, % WinExist("A"), %INIFilePath%, windowids, %UniqueName%
global INIFilePath
InputBox, UniqueName, Delete INI Entry, Enter UniqueName
If ErrorLevel = 0
IniDelete, %INIFilePath%, windowids, %UniqueName%
; Putty shortcuts.
; ^!1 is NOT idempotent and will run it over and over again.
^!1::run "C:\Program Files\PuTTY\putty.exe"
^!2::RunOrSwitchWin( "session1", "C:\Program Files\PuTTY\putty.exe -load session1" )
If you don't want the window to Minimize then simply comment out (prepend a ;) to the WinMinimize line and it will just stay focused on the active window.
It is not unrelated activity, explorer is the process that handles these shortcuts.
There are utilities (e.g. that purport to have this functionality, but I don't know if any of them would solve the speed issue.