Disable Escape key in Safari for getting out of full screen mode

I use Safari in Full Screen mode on OS X Mavericks all the time. I also use the escape key in web pages fairly frequently for various things (depends on the webpage).

One unfortunate side effect of these two facts is that I will occasionally turn off Full Screen mode inadvertently by hitting the escape key on a page that doesn't intercept the escape key.

Is there a way to disable the "Escape turns off full screen mode" behavior in Safari?

Now, you could go ahead and brute-force disable the Escape key in Safari. But that'd defeat the purpose of still allowing Escape to work as a shortcut in the aforementioned places, which I'd rather avoid.

See here for an example to remap Escape to ⌥Escape with a Keyboard Maestro macro:

UPDATE #1: You can scope the rule to only apply when full screen. (REJOICE!)