Is empty set element of every set if it is subset of every set?

This problem is from Discrete Mathematics and its Applications enter image description here

My question is on 9b. I know that the sign represents an element is a member of. (from book) enter image description here

I know that the O with a slash across it is the empty set which "is a special set that has no elements". From, I got that the empty set is a subset of all sets, meaning that every member of the empty set(nothing) is also a member of any other set.

Based on all of this, for 9b, would {0} contain the empty set because it fundamentally has the elements that consist of the empty set(nothing) or does it physically have to have the empty set?

Solution 1:

When $X$ and $Y$ are two sets, we say that $X\subset Y$ if every element of $X$ is contained in $Y$.

With this definition, you see that $\emptyset \subset Y$ for any set $Y$. Indeed, there is no element in $\emptyset$, so every element of $\emptyset$ is contained in $Y$ (trivially true as there is nothing to check).

However, if you want to write $\emptyset \in Y$, this means that there is one element of $Y$ which is a set and that this set is the empty set. When $Y=\{0\}$, you have only one element in $Y$, and this one is not a set, it is a number, which is $0$. Hence, $\emptyset\notin \{0\}$.

Both statements $9a$ and $9b$ are false.

Solution 2:

There are several ways to represent the empty set. $\{ \}, \emptyset, \text{ and } \varnothing$ are three common ways.

Saying "the empty set(nothing)" is incorrect. The empty set is the set that contains nothing. A bottle can contain nothing, but the bottle itself is something.

Hence, for example, the set $\{\varnothing\}$ is not the empty set simply because it has something in it. In English, the set containing the empty set is not the empty set.

For the empty set to be a member of a set, it has to actually be in that set. The empty set is in $\{1,2,\varnothing\}$. The sets $\{1,2\}$ and $\{1,2,\{\varnothing\}\}$ do not have the empty set in them.

A subset of the set S, is either the set S or the set S with some stuff removed from it.

For example, a subset of $\{a,b\}$ is the set $\{a,b\}$ with $0$ to $2$ things removed from it. These sets are subsets of $\{a,b\}$:

\begin{align} \{a,b\} &- \text{nothing was removed}\\ \{b\} &- \text{a was removed}\\ \{a\} &- \text{b was removed}\\ \{ \} &- \text{a and b were removed} \end{align}

where the last set, $\{ \}$, is the empty set.

Start with any set, take everything out if it, and you are left with an empty set. Hence the empty set is a subset of every set.