Slack shows opened links to browser as another slack instance in task bar

If I open a link sent to me on Slack, the new browser window opened shows up as 'another' Slack window. Is there any way to have it correctly group the new browser window with the existing browser windows? I'm on Ubuntu 18.04 running gnome.

Firefox users have this workaround:

  1. In Slack, click on a web link
  2. In the new Firefox browser instance opened by Slack, go to "about:profiles"
  3. Change the profile used as default to your regular profile

Thanks to Michev for the comment on the snapd bugtracker:

I had the same problem, I uninstalled the app via Ubuntu Software, then downloaded the latest .deb package in

And installed the package with sudo dpkg -i slack-desktop-*.deb

And it worked all fine

The problem seems to be with the snap packaging of slack, not the app itself.

After removing Slack via the Software Center, open your terminal and run:

$ wget
$ sudo apt --fix-broken install ./slack-desktop-*.deb
$ sudo apt install ./slack-desktop-*.deb