MS OneNote on Mac OSX: Is it possible to export entire notebook to PDF?

The MS instructions I found for exporting an entire notebook to a PDF don't seem to apply on the Mac OSX version. Is there a way to do this on Mac OSX?

Solution 1:

At the moment, no! It is not possible. OneNote "is" / could be a fantastic program, but it does have a lot of critical limitations. A solution to your problem, which I also encountered, is to make an account for the office pack. You can do that through OneNote. Afterward, you will be able to share an online version of our entire notebook or open it at another PC or Mac.

Solution 2:

It is currently possible to shift-select all the pages you would like to export, Copy them, then Paste them into a Word document or something similar from which you can export to PDF or whatever format you prefer.

This is the only way I have found to export a hard-copy of multiple pages with OneNote Notebooks.