Differences between strong and weak in Objective-C

Solution 1:

It may be helpful to think about strong and weak references in terms of balloons.

A balloon will not fly away as long as at least one person is holding on to a string attached to it. The number of people holding strings is the retain count. When no one is holding on to a string, the ballon will fly away (dealloc). Many people can have strings to that same balloon. You can get/set properties and call methods on the referenced object with both strong and weak references.

A strong reference is like holding on to a string to that balloon. As long as you are holding on to a string attached to the balloon, it will not fly away.

A weak reference is like looking at the balloon. You can see it, access it's properties, call it's methods, but you have no string to that balloon. If everyone holding onto the string lets go, the balloon flies away, and you cannot access it anymore.

Solution 2:

A strong reference (which you will use in most cases) means that you want to "own" the object you are referencing with this property/variable. The compiler will take care that any object that you assign to this property will not be destroyed as long as you point to it with a strong reference. Only once you set the property to nil will the object get destroyed (unless one or more other objects also hold a strong reference to it).

In contrast, with a weak reference you signify that you don't want to have control over the object's lifetime. The object you are referencing weakly only lives on because at least one other object holds a strong reference to it. Once that is no longer the case, the object gets destroyed and your weak property will automatically get set to nil. The most frequent use cases of weak references in iOS are:

  1. delegate properties, which are often referenced weakly to avoid retain cycles, and

  2. subviews/controls of a view controller's main view because those views are already strongly held by the main view.

atomic vs. nonatomic refers to the thread safety of the getter and setter methods that the compiler synthesizes for the property. atomic (the default) tells the compiler to make the accessor methods thread-safe (by adding a lock before an ivar is accessed) and nonatomic does the opposite. The advantage of nonatomic is slightly higher performance. On iOS, Apple uses nonatomic for almost all their properties so the general advice is for you to do the same.

Solution 3:

strong: assigns the incoming value to it, it will retain the incoming value and release the existing value of the instance variable

weak: will assign the incoming value to it without retaining it.

So the basic difference is the retaining of the new variable. Generaly you want to retain it but there are situations where you don't want to have it otherwise you will get a retain cycle and can not free the memory the objects. Eg. obj1 retains obj2 and obj2 retains obj1. To solve this kind of situation you use weak references.

Solution 4:

A dummy answer :-

I think explanation is given in above answer, so i am just gonna tell you where to use STRONG and where to use WEAK :

Use of Weak :- 1. Delegates 2. Outlets 3. Subviews 4. Controls, etc.

Use of Strong :- Remaining everywhere which is not included in WEAK.