"the outputpath property is not set for this project" error

Usually this happens when the OutputPath property of the project file is blank. Project files are just MSBuild files. To edit in Visual Studio: Right click on the project, pick "Unload project" then right click on the unloaded project and select "Edit ...".

Look for the Release-Versionincrement property group. It should look something like

<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release-VersionIncrement|AnyCPU' ">

The important one there it the OutputPath, does it exist for your project file? If not add it and try again.

I have also seen this error when our build agent was configured to run platform "Any CPU" (with spaces as displayed in Visual Studio) rather than "AnyCPU" (one word as specified in the project file).

I had the same problem when I used MSBuild first. My solution is: use the OutputPath property definitely. Like this:

msbuild XXX.csproj /p:OutputPath=bin\Debug.