how to hide the actual download folder location

I want to hide the download folder location so that when the user downloads a file he cannot see the location. I think this can be done using an .htaccess file but how do I do this? Alternatively how can this be done with PHP?

This is how I do it in PHP:

$fakeFileName= "";
$realFileName = "";

$file = "downloadFolder/".$realFileName;
$fp = fopen($file, 'rb');

header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$fakeFileName");
header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file));

Additionally, if you don't want anyone to have access to the file location, put a file named .htaccess into your download folder with only the contents:

deny from all

I changed the code a little. First when I say fake file name and real file name, the fake filename is the name that the downloader will download the file as, where the real filename is the name of the actual file in the download folder on your server.

Also, I check to make sure the user is logged in and is able to download the file. If he chooses to download the file, a PHP file is called in a new tab (with the download code from above), then at the end of the file I have the line:


So when he clicks on the download link, a blank page pops up in a new tab quickly, then quickly exits and the download begins.

EDIT: The download link looks something like this:

<a href="simpleDown.php?id=<?php echo $_GET['id']; ?>" target="_blank">Download!</a>

Where id is the id of the download in the database, and in the download script from above I find the entry with that id, then get its real file name and the fake file name. You can do this without the database though.

Perhaps you would want to look into either Mod Rewrite, or use your PHP script to be able to access the file by simply going to file.php?f=someHash and then using an octet stream to force the user to download the file.

What you are going to want to do is have the user directed to fake_url.php and then rewrite that URL to a different file - real_url.php. This effectively renders the real_url.php as hidden because the user is unaware of the redirect happening in your .htaccess file.

RewriteRule fake_url.php(.*)$ real_url.php?$1 [L,QSA]

In your real_url.php, you can read the parameters passed through the redirect and then use something similar to readFile() to send the appropriate file back to the user from within real_url.php

So the user will only see the URL -

And in your real_url.php you'll know what file was requested by inspecting the $_GET['file'] parameter.

The actual location of the files that the user is downloading does not matter anymore. All downloads go though fake_url.php and only that script needs to know the real location of the downloads folder.