Keyboard shortcut to switch focus from web developer tools to page in Chrome

I use Vimium for Chrome, which allows me to refresh with the r key. When I am using the dev tools I lose focus of the page, and have to click in the page in order to use r again (though I would obviously just refresh with the button). Does anyone know of a keyboard shortcut to switch from the dev tools back to the page? I know you can use cmd [ to switch panes inside of the dev tools, but can't find a way to switch back to the page.

  • When Chrome DevTools is focused, Shift + F6 will focus on the page content.
  • When Chrome DevTools is open and the page content is focused, F6 will focus on Chrome DevTools.


Google Chrome Feature Shortcuts

F6 Switch focus forward between the Address bar, Bookmarks bar (if showing), and page content
Shift + F6 Switch focus backward between the Address bar, Bookmarks bar (if showing), and page content

Shamelessly copied from Hugh Lee

  1. Hit F6 or Cmd + L or Ctrl + L and focus the address bar
  2. Type javascript: and hit the enter key.

Now you can move focus to the page only with j.

But javascript: is too long, isn't it? Then follow this.

Go to Chrome Settings page
Click "Manage search engines..." in the Search section
Add a new search engine with
    any name e.g. Back to page
    any keyword e.g. j
    URL - javascript:

enter image description here

I still haven't found a way to focus page from dev-tools, while leaving dev-tools opened, but:

  • If dev-tools is opened, focus it with Cmd+Opt+c
  • Close dev-tools and focus page with Cmd+Opt+i
  • If dev tools is closed, to jump straight into console: Cmd+Opt+j
  • Switch tabs with Cmd+[ and Cmd+]
  • Esc to toggle console in dev-tools


Does anyone know of a keyboard shortcut to switch from the dev tools back to the page?

Tab is the key you're looking for. Use it to focus the page after pressing Esc to open the console.