Is there a screen recorder for GNOME with Wayland?

I am using Ubuntu 18.04.01 LTS. I have spent a lot of time searching for Screen Recorders for the Ubuntu GNOME Wayland.

I have tried several Screen Recorders such as Simple Screen Recorder and Vokoscreen, but the result is only a blank screen with the cursor.

Any suggestions for me?

Green Recorder claims to support Wayland.

How it works?

It uses the D-Bus API to connect to the built-in screencasting tool in GNOME Shell. It uses this to record video. To record audio, it launches an instance of ffmpeg in the background. After the recording is finished, it merges the two files into the WebM file.

For Xorg, it uses ffmpeg only for both audio and video.

By default, On Wayland only, Green Recorder uses the V8 encoder instead of the default V9 encoder in GNOME Shell because of the CPU & RAM consumption issue with V9. Which - now - should also give you better performance. On Xorg, each format uses its own default encoder.

You can install from "FOSS Project" teams's PPA by running the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fossproject/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install green-recorder

Gnome has builtin screen recorder:

Pressing Alt+Ctrl+Shift+R will start recording.

sorry it might be a bit late, but you can increase the duration of the built-in one by running this command in terminal:

gsettings set max-screencast-length 600

Replace 600 with the number of seconds you want to be able to record for.

I've been intrigued with this for a while and have found the way to disable Wayland! Run this command:

sudo nano /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf

and find #WayLandEnabled=false

Remove the #. Then Ctrl + X, then click y, then enter. Restart your computer. Done! You are now using DirectX again. All your screen recorders should now work. The built-in screen recorder (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R) should be a LOT smoother now as well for old laptops.