Linux, checking how much space is used in each partition

In windows, the "My Computer" view shows how much disk space each partition/volume has.

How do I get this information in linux? (linux mint)

Solution 1:

At the bottom of every tab/window in nautilus it will display how much free space is on the drive you are currently browsing if you have no folders/files selected.

Solution 2:

The command-line tool to use is df.

In pretty form, df -h to get the results in human-friendly form.

Solution 3:

This is a reminder on the usage of sort with df:

df -alhk | sort -nk2  # list disk usage and sort by used blocks
df -alhT | sort -hk3  # show and sort by human-readable usage
df --si | sort -hk3   # (this one doesn't show the empty file systems)
df --si | sort -nk5   # sort by percentage full

Only file systems starting with '/dev' are disk partitions:

df -h | grep ^/dev

show partition type too, and hide some non-disk filesystems:

df -h -T
df -h --output=source,fstype,size,used,avail,pcent,target -x tmpfs -x devtmpfs

a better view:


list storage blocks:


for block device attributes:


more time consuming but useful tools for examining disk usage:

du | xdu

Summarized from "9 commands to check hard disk partitions and disk space on Linux"