Record load time of web pages

Do you have access to the log files for your site? If so, you can enable the TIME-TAKEN field in the IIS logs. That counts (in milliseconds) how long it took IIS to process the request.

That, added to the data you get from Google Analytics, should give you a good idea of the total time to process a request from initial click to full page load.

The only thing missing is the time it takes from somebody clicking on the link to the request hitting the webserver. (Which should be negligible unless you have major networking/dns issues)

You can use:

  • yslow addon for firefox
  • Pagespeed plugin for chrome
  • Fiddler as a generic proxy to measure it

Do not forget to clean your cache before each test if you want to get performance for fisrt user

yslow will provide guidance on how to increase performance (adding compression, oversized images, too many css...)