SSH tunnel on Windows 10 to Linux Samba

You should only need to forward port 445. In putty the local port should be loopbackIP:44445(or any other unused port) and the forward destination should be localhost:445 or

It worked for me follow the procedure in this link:

Note that all reference to the service 'smb' needs to be changed to the service 'server'.

If it still doesn't work you can try disabling samba v3 on the windows box or try upgrading samba on the linux server. See this link

how to proxy smb to a windows 10 client:

short description with ssh n stuff for tunneling

  1. launch hdwwiz.exe

  2. network adapters -> Microsoft KM-TEST Loopback Adapter -> finish

  3. disable everything except ipv4 in that new network sink

  4. inside the ipv4 settings set up a ip, as subnet mask and disable netbios

    • if you cannot decide on an ip simply use
      sadly it's impossible to use or similar for this. windows for some unknown reason will not connect to it.
  5. elevated windows shell

    • run sc config lanmanserver start= delayed-auto
      this is sadly required since microsoft will bind it's smb bullshit to thus making it impossible to listen to that port yourself.
      microsoft also does not want you to use smb on a port different than 445.
    • run netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=445 connectaddress= connectport=44445
      this will ensure that 445 stays bound as soon as lanmanserver starts. thus making it possible for you to just spawn a listener onto 44445 to listen to 445 without eaddrinuse errors etc.
  6. edit %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and add an appropriate mapping like: smbproxy

  7. reboot

  8. just use ssh -L sshuser@publicjumphost

  9. open explorer and navigate to \\smbproxy

you can also create multiple mappings in your hosts file for that.
the benefit would be that multiple users of your laptop / pc could access your nas with different usernames / sessions without windows annoying you that someone else is already using that resource.

feel free to open the task creation tool of windows to start this on system startup.

this was taken from my i made for my websocket proxy

EDIT: we are in 2020 now. use wireguard for this. it's much more reliable than ssh.