Environment variables over non-interactive SSH connection?
Solution 1:
Check you /etc/ssh/ssh_config (on client) and look at SendEnv option. In my case, I have SendEnv LANG LC_*
There is some interresting informtions in the man ssh_config
Solution 2:
If you have control of the ssh command call itself, you can try something like this:
ssh user@remoteserver MYVAR1="$MYVAR1" MYVAR2="$MYVAR2" command
I also use "tee" (for visual clarity) and heredoc to send remote bash scripts:
tee << '+++' | ssh user@remoteserver MYVAR1="$MYVAR1" MYVAR2="$MYVAR2" bash
set -x
echo "hey, your variable is $MYVAR1"
echo "and your other variable is $MYVAR2"