How to convert a String containing Scientific Notation to correct Javascript number format


This answer seems to be generating some confusion. The original question was asking how to convert scientific notation in the form of a string to a number (so that it could be used for calculation). However, a significant number of people finding this answer seem to think it's about converting a number that is being represented by javascript as scientific notation to a more presentable format. If that is in fact your goal (presentation), then you should be converting the number to a string instead. Note that this means you will not be able to use it in calculations as easily.

Original Answer:

Pass it as a string to the Number function.

Number("4.874915326E7") // returns 48749153.26
Number("4E27") // returns 4e+27

Converting a Number in Scientific Notation to a String:

This is best answered by another question, but from that question I personally like the solution that uses .toLocaleString(). Note that that particular solution doesn't work for negative numbers. For your convenience, here is an example:

(4e+27).toLocaleString('fullwide', {useGrouping:false}) // returns "4000000000000000000000000000"

Try something like this

