How to send mail with a Subject using a Mailto URL?

I need to make a Mailto link to my website which is suppose to contain either the product name or the product page URL in the subject section. How can I do it?
Exp: When you get an email through eBay about a product you are selling or buying, you automatically know what product that email is about by seeing the product name in the subject section.
How can i do this?

<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=hello world">Email Me!</a>

Internet Archive:

  • Set up an HTML mailto form without a back-end script
  • HTML Mailto Attribute and Tips
  • HTML Mailto Tips and Tricks
  • Mailto Syntax

Related Stackoverflow Questions:

  • Avoiding the Mailto Annoyance?
  • Best way to obfuscate an e-mail address on a website?
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I've run into problems with this before when I didn't url encode the value, so I would suggest (using lc's example):

<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=This+Is+My+Product">


<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=This%20Is%20My%20Product">