Enterprise Architect: Export UML Diagrams in high quality

Solution 1:

As I'm sure you're already aware, you can save a diagram as an image in several formats, including PNG but not TIFF.

The quality of the images can be controlled in the options (Tools - Options), "Diagram" tab. The "Image Memory Limit" controls the amount of memory the image conversion process is allowed; increasing this should improve the quality of large diagrams. "Scale Saved Bitmaps to" allows you to set a higher resolution for the images.

I haven't checked whether these also affect the copy-to-clipboard function (in the Diagram menu or CTRL+B), which is the way I usually copy diagrams into documents.

Solution 2:

To have diagrams in word there is very easy way.

Simply, open diagram in ea then select all with CTRL+A, then copy CTRL+C, go in word and just do paste CTRL+V. Easy and perfect quality.

Solution 3:

For some reason, when you use Ctrl-B to export a Sparx EA model to MS Word, you get a bitmap copied to the clipboard, but when you paste into Powerpoint, you get an Enhanced Metafile. This is vector graphics which can be zoomed into etc. with no loss of detail.


  1. Before you start, go into EA and Tools->Options (or hit Ctrl-F9).
  2. Ensure that the General properties page is selected.
  3. Check 'Clipboard' is set to 'Metafile' (if it is set to Bitmap, you will only ever get a bitmap produced, even in Powerpoint).


  1. Open your EA model to be exported.
  2. Open Powerpoint and clear the default bounding boxes leaving a blank slide.
  3. Open Word and locate the point in your document where you want to paste the model.
  4. Back to EA, open your model window and hit Ctrl-B (Diagram->Paste Image to Clipboard)
  5. Go into Powerpoint and hit Ctrl-V to paste.
  6. Resize the model to fit the slide.
  7. Hit Ctrl A then Ctrl C to ensure everything is copied to the clipboard.
  8. Go into Word and hit Ctrl-V to paste - you should now have an EA model in EMF metafile format, not a bitmap. Document reviewers can now zoom in and see the full detail in the model.

Solution 4:

Do the following:

PACKAGE->Documetation->Publish as HTML

Create new folder for output and set the path in"Output" field.

-> Press Generate

Goto ..[your folder]\EARoot, the files named EA*.[png|gif] are your diagram

images in original resolution.