How to create a new text document (TXT) file by a Hotkey?

OS: Windows (Windows Explorer).

I'm frequently using: RightClick → New → Text Document

It lets you to name the file before opening and saving it. Is there a solution to run a script by a Hotkey and get it? (No matter what the Keyboard Layout is)

Maybe this can help "Create new text document" option missing from context menu

Solution 1:

You can actually use your keyboard to naviagte the right-click menu.

Just right click and press W then T.

If you want to customise a keyboard shortcut, you could use something like AutoHotKey. An example script to do what you want would be like this.
Click, Right, 1
Sleep, 10
SendRaw, wt

You can use this script by copying it to a text file and saving it as .ahk. With AutoHotKey installed, just double-click to activate.

Quick note:

The first line tells it to run the actions when the F4 is pressed. You can change the key by editing the first line.
The modifier keys are as follows:

# Win (Windows logo key)
! Alt
^ Control
+ Shift
& An ampersand may be used between any two keys or mouse buttons to combine them into a custom hotkey.

Where ^C means Control + C
Anything more advanced can be found in the docs. I suggest checking out the tutorial page.

Solution 2:

This isn't a hotkey as such but can be accomplished entirely on the keyboard and doesn't require any programs or system changes:

ALT+h, w and then press or as many times as necessary.

Solution 3:

Another shortcut on Windows10 will be: alt+h, w - than right-click on "New Dokument" and from the dropdown menu choose "Add gallery to QuickAccess Toolbar". Now the whole dropdown menu is accessible on every WindowsExplorer Window at the very, very top left of the window. Now whenever you need to open a WinExplorer window, you can add a Text File (or other stuff) with just 2 klicks. For Win10 (not tested on older Operating Systems) Hope this helps somebody.