Windows Sharepoint Services Login Problem

I am wanting to try out Windows Sharepoint Services on my Windows 2008 Box at home.

The Windows 2008 Server is a domain controller.

I have installed IIS 7, Active Directory, SQL 2008 Standard and downloaded Windows Sharepoint Services 3 SP2.

I setup first hostnames in the DNS Server called sharepoint, I went into IIS7 created a website using the hostname sharepoint and sharepoint.domain.local worked fine.

Deleted the Website from IIS

Then I installed Windows Sharepoint Services

configured it and created a Sharepoint site called Sharepoint configured the hostname to be sharepoint.domain.local

Configured a site for sharepoint.domain.local which is a Sharepoint Wiki template

Now when I go to access either sharepoint.domain.local its asks for a username and password I have tried everything from username password for the windows login to domain\username and and password.

it brings up the login box 3 times as the username password it wrong then after the third attempt it displays a white screen.

How do I fix this.



You could be running into a local loopback problem. The problem occurs when the website uses Integrated authentication, and has a name that is mapped back to the local loopback address.

The fix is to go to the following registry key:


Add a new DWORD value named DisableLoopbackCheck and give it a value of 1. After setting the value reboot your server.

For further details, check out this KB article: