How to install a dark theme for zim desktop wiki

Solution 1:

I am using XFCE with the Adwaita Dark style, but this should work for Gnome, too. The overall GTK style should already make Zim take on a "dark" style, just like any other application. However, there are a few things that do not work well, e.g. highlighted text will be white on yellow, and the colors used for code and links are too dark for a dark background.

But those things (and more) can easily be changed in Zim's own style configuration, in ~/.config/zim/style.conf. You have to restart Zim for the changes to take effect, so finding the right values can be a bit tricky. For me, I changed the following bits:

[Tag mark]

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[Tag link]

Solution 2:

I use Zim quite a bit, but there are a few other apps that caused me to change all my GTK apps to a dark theme, using the Gnome Tweaks application.

To try this method, first install the Gnome Tweaks tool:

sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool

Then, hit the Super key or click the "Show Applications" button on the bottom left of the desktop, and type "tweaks".

After tweaks comes up, select the "Appearance" tab. You'll notice that the first section is "themes". For Zim, the "Applications" setting is the one controlling the theme.

On 18.10, I was able to select Adwaita-dark, and Zim picked up the settings immediately.

There's a relevant article with a lot more information on how to change the gtk theme, if you need it.

This is a quick and easy change, so you can change back if the aesthetic doesn't please you.