Kill a process which says "Access denied"

I have a process that I can't kill with either Task Manager or Process Explorer - I get the error "Access denied". The process isn't a Windows executable.

How can I kill it? Is there some tool I could use to override this protection?

I'm using Windows 7, 64-bit edition.

Kill a protected process?

Works on Windows Server without admin rights! Yammie! :)

  1. Download "Process Explorer".
  2. On the process properties view, select the security tab.
  3. Press the permissions button.
  4. Press the advanced button.
  5. If necessary, add yourself or a group you belong to.
  6. Edit your permissions to include "Terminate". (you will need to already have the "Change Permissions" permission, or you are out of luck.)

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In general, the need to kill tasks means somebody is not doing something correctly. I'd look for another solution to whatever problem you are facing. Perhaps if you told us more about that we could find a more graceful option?

The taskkill and powershell (kill) methods didn't work for me; it still said Access Denied.

I had better luck with this:

wmic process where name='myprocessname.exe' delete