Disable Dock Shadow in Mavericks

enter image description here

Am I the only one, or is there anyone else who finds that shadow ontop of a nearby window annoying?

You must run this:

defaults write com.apple.dock hide-mirror -bool true; killall Dock

This enables a more transparent dock but also removes the annoying shadow.

Note: this fix is specifically for OS X Mavericks

Try …

In Terminal:

defaults write com.apple.dock showshadow -bool NO

– then quit Dock.


Blacktree Secrets secret 2342.


The preference pane for Secrets can write the preference and perform the quit.

If the preference does not work as expected, for your Dock to the left

Please be aware of the following bug report in Open Radar –

OS X Mavericks: Left/right Dock should not cast a shadow on windows

– but note that the report was for unreleased build 13A538g of the OS (not for 13A603).