How to replace first occurrence of string in Java

I want to replace first occurrence of String in the following.

  String test = "see Comments, this is for some test, help us"

**If test contains the input as follows it should not replace

  1. See Comments, (with space at the end)
  2. See comments,
  3. See Comments**

I want to get the output as follows,

 Output: this is for some test, help us

Thanks in advance,

Solution 1:

You can use replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement) method of String.

Solution 2:

You should use already tested and well documented libraries in favor of writing your own code.

  StringUtils.replaceOnce("coast-to-coast", "coast", "") = "-to-coast"



There's even a version that is case insensitive (which is good).




My answer is an augmentation of:

Solution 3:

You can use following statement to replace first occurrence of literal string with another literal string:

String result = input.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote(search), Matcher.quoteReplacement(replace));

However, this does a lot of work in the background which would not be needed with a dedicated function for replacing literal strings.