How to resolve "service start-limit-hit"

Solution 1:

Probably a more correct answer:

systemctl reset-failed servicename.service

Taken from

Solution 2:


mkdir /var/run/sshd


systemctl restart ssh



Solution 3:

When you have start-limit-hit or Start request repeated too quickly it may be due to a Restart=on-failure directive in the service definition. Chances are, there is an initial reason for the error but it's hidden behind the one you see.

To find out: (obviously, replace carbon-relay-ng with your service)

  1. run systemctl status carbon-relay-ng
  2. find the source where the service is loaded (first image)
  3. nano /lib/systemd/system/carbon-relay-ng.service
  4. remove line Restart=on-failure and save file (second image)
  5. run systemctl restart carbon-relay-ng
  6. run systemctl status carbon-relay-ng to check real error

Find path

Open Service definition

Real error

For me it revealed the following error which I had to correct by setting the file permissions: Real error