Ansible global fail message when a task has failed on all hosts

I need a fail message when a task has failed on all hosts. For example:

- ios_facts:
    gather_subset: min
  failed_when: "{{ ansible_net_hostname }} contains 123"

where all of the hostnames contains 123 so it triggers a fail task

- fail:
    msg: all of the hostnames contains 123
  when: xxxxx

For example, given the inventory for testing

shell> cat hosts
host1 ansible_net_hostname=host_123_A
host2 ansible_net_hostname=host_123_B
host3 ansible_net_hostname=host_123_C

The play below shows how to find the lists

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
    - debug:
        var: ansible_net_hostname
    - debug:
        msg: |
          All names: {{ _names }}
          Search names: {{ _search }}
        _names: "{{ hostvars|json_query('*.ansible_net_hostname') }}"
        _search: "{{ _names|select('search', '123')|list }}"
      run_once: true


TASK [debug] ***********************************************************
ok: [host1] => 
  ansible_net_hostname: host_123_A
ok: [host2] => 
  ansible_net_hostname: host_123_B
ok: [host3] => 
  ansible_net_hostname: host_123_C

TASK [debug] ***********************************************************
ok: [host1] => 
  msg: |-
    All names: ['host_123_A', 'host_123_B', 'host_123_C']
    Search names: ['host_123_A', 'host_123_B', 'host_123_C']

Compare the length of the lists

    - debug:
        msg: all of the hostnames contains 123
        _names: "{{ hostvars|json_query('*.ansible_net_hostname') }}"
        _search: "{{ _names|select('search', '123')|list }}"
      when: _names|length == _search|length
      run_once: true

(Credit @Zeitounator for pointing to this option.)

The query above works if you target all hosts in the inventory. If you'd like to target a group of hosts use the special variable ansible_play_hosts_all and extract the variables from the hostvars. For example, given the inventory

shell> cat hosts


The play

- hosts: test_123
  gather_facts: false
    - debug:
        msg: |
          All names: {{ _names|length }}
          Search names: {{ _search|length }}
        _names: "{{ ansible_play_hosts_all|
                    map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_net_hostname')|
                    list }}"
        _search: "{{ _names|select('search', '123')|list }}"
      run_once: true


TASK [debug] *****************************************************
ok: [host0001] => 
  msg: |-
    All names: 1024
    Search names: 1024

To evaluate the condition compare the length of the lists as before.