K8s - How trigger refresh of LoadBalancer svc IP?

I'm using metallb to assign IPs to LoadBalancers in a home lab k8s cluster. I've had to shrink the IP pool though as I need to use some of them in another test cluster.

I've done this but the IPs of the existing LB svcs have remained the same afterwards -- I need to give the LB svcs a kick somehow to get them to request new IPs. How can I do this?

Solution 1:

It looks like the answer to your question is contained in this github thread.

Everything should come down to recreate your service with the appropriate configmap. Look at this answer:

Before change

[root@m-k8s ~]# kubectl get services
NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)        AGE
cfgmap-svc   LoadBalancer   80:31463/TCP   2m5s
kubernetes   ClusterIP       <none>         443/TCP        4h13m

Change IP address

[root@m-k8s ~]# cat metallb-l2.yaml | grep 192.168
[root@m-k8s ~]# sed -i 's/11/101/;s/13/103/' metallb-l2.yaml
[root@m-k8s ~]# cat metallb-l2.yaml | grep 192.168

Just apply
kubectl apply -f metallb-l2.yaml

Delete and revise by kubelet

[root@m-k8s ~]# kubectl delete pods --all -n metallb-system
pod "controller-65895b47d4-l5xnn" deleted
pod "speaker-bk8gr" deleted
pod "speaker-bksns" deleted
pod "speaker-c2z6z" deleted
pod " speaker-chlt5" deleted
pod "speaker-scx6x" deleted

Recreate svc

[root@m-k8s ~]# kubectl delete service cfgmap-svc
service "cfgmap-svc" deleted
[root@m-k8s ~]# kubectl expose deployment cfgmap --type=LoadBalancer --name=cfgmap-svc --port=80
service/cfgmap-svc exposed

Check svc

[root@m-k8s ~]# kubectl get svc
NAME          TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
cfgmap-svc3   LoadBalancer   80:31440/TCP   8s
kubernetes    ClusterIP        <none>          443/TCP        4h34m

You can also look at this github issue. Note, it is old thread.