Chrome: Disable mouse wheel elastic scroll at end of webpages

It seems that with Google Chrome Version 51.0.2704.84 (or very recently) has introduced an "elastic rubber band" effect when you try to scroll past the top or bottom of a webpage, with a mouse wheel (scroll wheel).

I am using OS X, and have never seen this behavior before in Chrome.

I find that the rubber band effect can be useful on touch devices, but I don't need it when using mice with desktop computers. When I scroll to the very end with my mouse wheel, that's typically where I want to go, and the rubber band effect is just an annoyance and delays further action.

I checked in chrome://flags, but can't seem to find a setting. Not sure.

Update 2016-09-04: This "problem" has now gone away, and the inertia setting is back to it's previous "immediate stop" behaviour when scrolling to page ends with a mouse wheel. I'm not sure what changed, but might've been a Google Chrome update. I have accepted the answer below, in case it helps somebody with a particular flavour of the issue.

Chrome is only obeying OS X system preferences.

Disabling these preferences is described in the article Disable elastic scrolling in OS X.

You can also use the free TinkerTool. See especially the settings for "Disable inertia" and "Disable the rubber-band effect".

If you wish to disable this only for Chrome, you will need to add this CSS snippet to every displayed future page. This is best done using the add-on Tampermonkey, which is the Chrome port for Greasemonkey.

See the Tampermonkey website for using it.

Some more references :

  • The beginner's guide to Greasemonkey scripting
  • Manipulating Stylesheets with Greasemonkey