How do I send resources to a "Great Work"?

To send resources to your great work, zoom out to the region view and click on the great work site - this will show you a status screen detailing each of the resources required to build the great work and the quantity of each resource that has already been supplied.

To enable your city to send resources to the great work, you will see on this screen that underneath each resource is a 'power button' (it looks the same as the power buttons to disable buildings). Turn this on and you will start sending resources to your great work site.

enter image description here

Every city in the region that is within range of the great work site will have their own controls for sending resources to the great work site, allowing for a group of people to participate in building a great work, with each potentially providing a different type of resource.

The frequency of delivery of the resources to the Great Work depends entirely on the availability of the resource at the Trade Depot(s) and the number of delivery trucks available to take it there.

As of patched version 10.3, the Trade Depots (resource sink) suffer from a bug that allows the delivery trucks to park at an alternate resource source as well as drive out of the city to an unknown destination and not return. Therefore, if your delivery truck garages at your Trade Depot are empty (no trucks parked inside), then you should bulldoze the empty garages, rebuild them and they will begin delivering from the Trade Depot again.

Yeah you definitly have to "use locally" and it takes a while for the flow of transfer to the great work, obviously dont sent more than your budget will allow since you'll be taking a hit on export profit.

Since you can build more than one Trade depot, you can assign one for local use to send to the great work area while assign the other one to export some of your product, but you have to make sure you produce enough to keep up with the great work area.