Why is Chrome reporting a secure / non secure warning when no other browsers aren't?

A bit late to the party here but I've been having issues recently and once I had found a http resource and changed it was still getting the red padlock symbol. When I closed the tab and opened a new one it changed to a green padlock so I guess Chrome caches this information for the lifetime of the tab

Current versions of Chrome will show the mixed content's URL in the error console. Hit CTRL+Shift+J and you'll see text like:

"The page at https://www.fiddler2.com/test/securepageinsecureimage.htm contains insecure content from http://www.fiddler2.com/Eric/images/me.jpg."

I was having the same issue: Chromium showing the non-secure static files, but when everything was http://.

Just closing the current tab and re-opening the page in another new tab worked, so I think this is a Chromium/Chrome bug.



Using Chrome, if you open up the Developer Tools (View > Developer > Developer Tools) and bring up the Console and choose to filter to warnings, you'll see a list of offending URLs.

You'll see something like the following if you do have insecure content

The page at https://mysite/ displayed insecure content from http://insecureurl.

For the best experience in finding the culprit, you'll want to start your investigation in a new tab.