i-NEX Not Installing on UBUNTU 18.04

Can anybody offer a working solution on how to install iNEX monitoring tool system/hardware information application on my Ubuntu 18.04? I have tried several different things from different websites. I keep getting errors. Why is this so hard? Why do I have to enter my password after every command? Can't there be an easier way? Windows does it, why can't Ubuntu and Linux do it?

I'm partially blind, and all I want to do is load a simple app to get some simple answers. I could have taken my machine apart and put it back together in the time that I've spent researching this topic and entering several lines of text for every suggestion.

Solution 1:

I-Nex currently doesn't have a Bionic Release so you will have to use the Zesty repository:

sudo -s

echo 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/i-nex-development-team/daily/ubuntu zesty main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list


I-Nex requires the Gambas runtimes, so if you don't have them, you will have to add that repository also (it is up-to-date):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gambas-team/gambas3

Now update your sources and install:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install gambas3-dev gambas3-gb-image gambas3-gb-qt5 gambas3-gb-form gambas3-gb-desktop gambas3-gb-form-stock -y

sudo apt install i-nex

Solution 2:

Installing i-Nex on Ubuntu

To install i-Nex on Ubuntu, do the following:

Step 1. Open a terminal (in Unity use the CTRL+ALT+T keys);

Step 2. If you do not already have it, add the program repository with this command or use this tutorial;

sudo add-apt-repository ppa: i-nex-development-team / stable

Step 3. (optional) If you do not already have it, also add the program runtime repository with command below:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa: nemh / gambas3

Step 4. Update the APT with the command:

sudo apt-get update

Step 5. Now install the program with the command:

sudo apt-get install i-nex

How to install i-Nex manually or in other distros

For those who could not install with the above procedure, do not want to add the repository or want to try to install in another Debian-based distribution, you can pick up the DEB file from the program on that link and install it manually (double-clicking on it).

But remember! By choosing this type of installation, you will not receive any updates to the program.

Ready! Now, when you want to start the program, type i-nex in the Dash (or in a terminal, followed by the TAB key).

Uninstalling i-Nex on Ubuntu and derivatives

To uninstall i-Nex in Ubuntu and its derivatives, do the following:

Step 1. Open a terminal;

Step 2. Uninstall the program, using the commands below;

sudo apt-get remove i-nex --auto-remove