How can I make a program permanently run as admin when the Compatibility tab is missing?

In Windows 10, if I open properties of devenv.exe (Visual Studio 2015) there is no way I can set the "Run As Administrator".. But some other programs still have tab "Compatibility" in their properties where you can do that..

Whats the difference? And is there a way to set Run As Administrator on devenv.exe ?

enter image description here

Right click on the .exe and there should be an option to Troubleshoot Compatibility. This worked for me last time i ran into this on Win10.


I'm not at my Windows 10 box now, but found the step by step instructions here

  1. right-click devenv.exe and select "Troubleshoot compatibility".
  2. select "Troubleshoot program"
  3. check "The program requires additional permissions"
  4. click "Next", click "Test the program..."
  5. wait for the program to launch
  6. click "Next"
  7. select "Yes, save these settings for this program"
  8. click "Close"