No sound (audio) in Chrome Ubuntu 18.04LTS

Ubuntu 18.04LTS, I run the updates, restarted the computer and there is no sound/audio in the Chrome. Sound works in other applciations, system sounds works, in the Settings I can see Chrome as a application - sound is ON and it should work, but it doesn't.

Any ideas? It happend just after system update.

I downloaded PAVUCONTROL, checked settings, chrome was sending audio to HDMI port, changed it, works well now.

Do like in this AskUbuntu question:

The following seems to prevent the problem from reappearing in the future:

Edit /etc/pulse/, find the line that starts with load-module module-stream-restore and add restore_device=false at the end, so that the line looks like this:

load-module module-stream-restore restore_device=false

Then do a

killall pulseaudio

and restart chrome... and all is fine.
No other plugins to install or change.