Use Bluetooth headset with microphone (HFP) in Ubuntu 18.04

I was facing the same issue with Oneplus Wireless Z Bass edition. My headset microphone was not detected by PulseAudio and the problem is that my headphones don't have HSP profile, only HFP profile. After trying for 2 days, I came to the solution of replacing PulseAudio with Pipewire sound server, which supports HSP, HFP and A2DP by itself. So there will be no need to install any other utility like ofono, phonesim. Also, to be noted that my problem wasn't resolved even after following all the steps to configure ofono in PulseAudio. So I came up with the steps to replace PulseAudio with PipeWire.

Here is the detailed article I have written to resolve this problem, the steps of which I'm also adding here. You can follow it and most probably be able to solve your problem.

Bluetooth headset microphone not detected

Open your terminal and follow these steps:

  1. We will use a PPA for adding Pipewire to Ubuntu 20.04, which is maintained regularly:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pipewire-debian/pipewire-upstream
  2. To update the PPA packages in your system do:

    sudo apt update
  3. Install the package:

    sudo apt install pipewire
  4. There is also a dependency needed to be installed with Pipewire, otherwise you will face the issue of “Bluetooth headset won’t connect after installing pipewire”. Install the dependency by:

    sudo apt install libspa-0.2-bluetooth
  5. Now, to install the client libraries:

    sudo apt install pipewire-audio-client-libraries
  6. Reload the daemon:

    systemctl --user daemon-reload
  7. Disable PulseAudio:

    systemctl --user --now disable pulseaudio.service pulseaudio.socket
  8. If you are on Ubuntu 20.04, you also need to “mask” the PulseAudio by:

    systemctl --user mask pulseaudio

I am not sure but, if possible, you can try to run this on other versions too.
9. After a new update of Pipewire, you also need to enable pipewire-media-session-service:

   systemctl --user --now enable pipewire-media-session.service
  1. You can ensure that Pipewire is now running through:

    pactl info

    This command will give the following output, in Server Name you can see:

    PulseAudio (on PipeWire 0.3.28)

    Things should be working by now and you can see your microphone.

If it doesn’t show up, then try restarting Pipewire by this command:

systemctl --user restart pipewire

If it’s still not showing your microphone, you can try rebooting once and remove and pair your Bluetooth device again to check if it works now.

I hope I have helped you solve your problem.

If you want to rollback all the changes we did, you can do it by using:

systemctl --user unmask pulseaudio
systemctl --user --now enable pulseaudio.service pulseaudio.socket

The problem here is that your IFROGZ Toxix Wireless do not support Headset profile (HSP). They only support Handsfree profile (HFP) as can be seen in your bluetoothctl output. PulseAudio on the other hand does not support HFP out of the box, as is explained here:

So your only options are to install oFono or to patch and compile PulseAudio yourself. Patch is available here:

There main reason the HFP profile is not available is the Pulseaudio drivers have removed support for it. Any Bluetooth device can now only connect via A2DP configuration which does not support on-device microphone. I myself had the same problem and had spend around a week to figure out the solution that works without much hassle. You can follow the instruction mentioned at

Hope this helps and save time at your end!