Simple encryption software for the Mac

I am looking for an application which would allow me to encrypt either a file or a folder. Something like right click on a file/folder, select Encrypt, give it a password and ready.

Of course, it should also be able to afterwards decrypt the said file/folder.

Is there such a thing?

Solution 1:

Espionage is also a paid app, but should be 'better' then Knox.

Solution 2:

You can do it with a .dmg.

  • Open Disk utility
  • Select New Image or File > New > Blank disk image
  • Choose the name, where to put it, the size (it will be pre-allocated)
  • Choose an encryption
  • Leave the other settings by default
  • Choose a password

Now, all you have to do when you want to access that folder, is open the .dmg file.

And it's free.

I found an app that took care of all of that in 2-3 easy steps but can't seem to find it again. You might have more luck.

Solution 3:

You can also have a look at the Mac GNU Privacy Guard, which brings GnuPG to Mac OS X, together with the GPGFileTool.

Solution 4:

You could have a look at TrueCrypt. Whilst it's not a file/folder encryption solution, it creates encrypted volumes from files like the .dmg route, but it's cross platform (if you choose an appropriate file system on the encrypted volume)

Solution 5:

Knox is paid app but i can really recommend it