How can i test my SAS Controller card? [closed]

Solution 1:

I am in need of testing my Dell SAS Controller card.

Simple. Replace with another one. Then you know whether or not the card has problems.

None available? Can we get back to "professionalism" and "best practices" in the site rules? Ask a company to do it (and pay). Replacement testing is pretty much the only (and definitely the most efficient) way to make sure it is not a part malfunctioning.

since this data is most important. Its family photos back to 1970's and before, etc...

Besides this being off topic here... is NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL TO YOU. I go by "put money where mouth is". If this WOULD be important to you, it would be backed up. I mean, I learned in school - more than 30 years ago - that backups are a think and a must. So, do not come with "important" when at the end you refuse to do what people do with important data. Start implementing a backup - plenty of quite low cost services around.