How to train the Stanford Parser with Genia Corpus?

Solution 1:

As andrucz stated in his comment, the real cause of your problem seems to stem from a missing class.

Try checking whether you correctly imported your library ( and make sure that it contains the class EnglishUnknownWordModelTra‌​iner in edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.

(If you're using Maven, verify that you correctly added the dependency - a quick google brougt this up : Stanford Parser Maven Repo )

Solution 2:

Did the NLP library install correctly? Check in the logs to verify there are no errors. Most of the times this issue comes when there the stanford nltk library does not install correctly.

A quick way to check is by running the GUI to try out the parser if that runs successfully then the library installed correctly otherwise if that throws errors then you know your installation was poor.

The Stanford website also mentions this take a look:

If you're new to parsing, you can start by running the GUI to try out the parser. Scripts are included for linux ( and Windows (lexparser-gui.bat). Take a look at the Javadoc lexparser package documentation and LexicalizedParser class documentation. (Point your web browser at the index.html file in the included javadoc directory and navigate to those items.) Look at the parser FAQ for answers to common questions. If none of that helps, please see our email guidelines for instructions on how to reach us for further assistance.