Latest update to Thunderbird 60.2.1 on 18.04 - Lightning calendar missing

After completing an Ubuntu automatic software update (15 Oct 2018) that included Thunderbird 60.2.1 the Lightning calendar is now missing. When I click on Thunderbird's Add-On tab to see if there's an update for Lightning I'm told that all the versions of Lightning available there are not compatible with the updated Thunderbird release. All my calendar data is no longer available to me - HELP!!

Solution 1:

Same here, on (Ubuntu based) Linux Mint 19. It seems to be a thunderbird issue but the update should not have been passed through when it breaks what many regard as core functionality.

A solution is posted on the Linux Mint forums:

I ran into this problem today in Mint 19 when Tbird 60.2.1 was installed through the Update Manager. Removing the Lightning add-on from Tbird and installing the "xul-ext-lightning" package allowed me to recreate my calendar and connect it to Google Calendar.

So the solution is:

  1. remove the lightning add-on in Thunderbird;
  2. exit from Thunderbird;
  3. install xul-ext-lightning package with

    sudo apt install xul-ext-lightning

    (it will pull more packages in).

  4. restart Thunderbird.

My previous settings had been retained and I did not need to recreate my calendar.

If calendar tab is missing: watch out for the mini "switch to calendar tab" icon on the very right of tab bar: switch to calendar on TB 60+

If still you can't see any calendar, try (after following steps 1...4 above) to follow the instructions in this calendar troubleshooting article published on the Thunderbird Release Notes.

NOTICE that this seems to fail if the calendar is configured with a language different from English. There is an extended discussion, with links to bug reports, on the mozilla help forums.

Solution 2:

I did not try xul-ext-lightning package but the following solution worked for Thunderbird 60.2.1 on Ubuntu 18.04:

  1. Go to (or i686 for 32-bit)
  2. Click the link for your language (I picked en_GB)
  3. Download thunderbird-60.2.1.tar.bz2
  4. Open the archive.
  5. Navigate to /thunderbird/distribution/extensions/
  6. Extract {e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103}.xpi (This is the Lightning extension)
  7. Drag it from wherever it was extracted to onto the Thunderbird Add-ons manager.
  8. Lightning should install.

All the previous settings are retained and lightning is updated to version

Thanks to reddit user palordrolap for the solution (written for Linux Mint 17.3).

Solution 3:

You can install the Lightning beta extension from xpi file for Thunderbird 60. You can download the latest Lightning here.


This worked for me perfectly. Mint 17.2 64 bit