Mac OS X Mavericks keeps jumping to the first desktop [duplicate]

My screen (desktop/spaces) keeps jumping to the first "desktop". There are no running apps on that desktop (except finder). After the first few times this happened I pressed ⌘ Cmd-⌥ Opt-⎋ Esc and restarted finder.

When it continued to happen I quit all open apps and restarted the computer. (I run a few apps full screen, and usually keep the first desktop open for any quick work or apps I will use, if I will have an app open for a while that doesn't have full screen, I create a desktop/space for it and run it off on the side somewhere).

The screen just keeps taking me back to the first one. It is getting to the point where it is too annoying to ignore. So far typing this I have counted it happening seven times.

What I have tried, besides restarting Finder, and restarting the Mac, in Mission Control settings I disabled Automatically rearrange, and Group windows by applications (to be honest I don't know what Group windows by application means, I assume it has to do with what screens a new window of an already running app will open on), and When switching to an app, switch space.

I tried rearranging spaces, I moved the Desktop to the third space (this must be a Mavericks feature, I don't think I have ever been able to do that before), and it keeps jumping to that Desktop (third space). I have also tried creating a new desktop space and deleting the old one. It keeps jumping.

I also don't think this is finder calling for anything. The menu bar remains the same for the app I was using, and only becomes finder when I click on the desktop.

I could just not use spaces, but what would the point be?

I don't know if this would be an easy thing to help anyone with, but maybe something similar has happened to someone before.

Same thing here. Would appear to happen only when the WiFi is connected, but on further research into this it appears to be related to Google Drive. Close the Drive sync application or disconnect from Wifi and it's ok.

It is Google Drive, it's causing Finder to crash and restart, which is why it keeps jumping back to the first desktop.

It's related to the "Show file sync status icons and right click menu" setting. If you turn this setting off in the Google Drive preferences, the problem should go away.