Moving docker container from linux based server to AWS

You can't just run a amd64 image (to be more precise, the same digest of the image) on an ARM platform, even if the image it's based on is multiplatform-featured.

in other words, it will not work with commit/save/load procedure.

The image itself usually needs to be built (docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64/v8,linux/amd64,...) based on a Dockerfile for every target platform.

In case you don't have the Dockerfile (bad habits), you can try to reverse engineer the Dockerfile from an image (to a certain level) using docker history and/or

Albeit buildx is the correct way to do it, you can - for simplicity - just legacy-build (docker build) the image directly on your aws ARM machine if you just want to get it running once and quickly

(still requires a Dockerfile – it's not possible to convert an image to another platform)