Convert MP4 to OGG (Video)

I see people promoting SUPER quite often and I'm not sure why, when options such as Miro or plain old FFmpeg are available?

To do this with ffmpeg just use this (simple) command:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -codec:v libtheora -qscale:v 3 -codec:a libvorbis \
  -qscale:a 3 -f ogv output.ogv

-qscale is required to keep a reasonable video and audio quality, otherwise the default is very bad, see also: How do I convert MP4 to OGV while still retaining the same quality using FFMPEG?

Tested in Ubuntu 19.04, ffmpeg 4.3.1.


SUPER is a gui frontend for ffmpeg, so it can convert mp4 into ogg.