Linking to an external URL in Javadoc?

Something like:

 * See {@linktourl}

Solution 1:

This creates a "See Also" heading containing the link, i.e.:

 * @see <a href=""></a>

will render as:

See Also:

whereas this:

 * See <a href=""></a>

will create an in-line link:


Solution 2:

Taken from the javadoc spec

@see <a href="URL#value">label</a> : Adds a link as defined by URL#value. The URL#value is a relative or absolute URL. The Javadoc tool distinguishes this from other cases by looking for a less-than symbol (<) as the first character.

For example : @see <a href="">Google</a>

Solution 3:

Javadocs don't offer any special tools for external links, so you should just use standard html:

See <a href="">Grover's Mill</a> for a history of the
Martian invasion.


@see <a href="">Grover's Mill</a> for a history of 
the Martian invasion.

Don't use {@link ...} or {@linkplain ...} because these are for links to the javadocs of other classes and methods.

Solution 4:

Hard to find a clear answer from the Oracle site. The following is from

 * See {@link <a href="">HTTP/1.1 documentation</a>}.
public static final String ACCEPT = "Accept";

 * See {@link <a href="">HTTP/1.1 documentation</a>}.
public static final String ACCEPT_CHARSET = "Accept-Charset";