Install Ubuntu 18.04 on Dell XPS 15 9570

I am trying to install Ubuntu 18.04 on my Dell XPS 15 9570.

I have followed the steps provided in the official tutorial.

However, I have stumbled on an issue.

  1. When I boot from USB I am immediately directed to the "Try Ubuntu" option. I do not manage to choose "Install Ubuntu" enter image description here

I connect to WiFi here. And then open the Install Ubuntu 18.04 icon from the desktop.

  1. I select the language and the keyboard enter image description here enter image description here

  2. I then press "Continue" on the following window: enter image description here

  3. I get to the following window: enter image description here

If I try to press "Install Now" it tells me: enter image description here When I try to press "change" or "+" the Install window closes.

I suspect the issue is that I need to change the drive to ACHI mode. But, I don't know why that would help and why can't it see the drive now.

I have create the bootable USB using Rufus 3.3 and then I have formatted it and tried again using UNetbootin. Same issue.

With the help from @oldfred, I have solved the issue and installed Ubuntu 18.04 by going through the following steps:

  1. Changed the driver from RAID to AHCI
  2. Disabled Secure Boot
  3. (Might not be needed) shrank the Windows partition