GCP doesn't allow me to create a new project even if no other project is active

I'm trying out GCP and I have run into this issue. I shut down all active projects and now I want to create a new one but it says I have reached the quota. There are no active projects, all of the projects are scheduled for deletion. I can restore an empty project (or any other project pending deletion) and it will work, but I cannot create a new one through the GUI or through the CLI. How can that be solved?

The number of projects that you can create is limited by the project limit quota. When you delete a project, the project is moved to a deleted status but not removed from your account for 30 days. You can recover a deleted project during those 30 days. The quota is the combined number of active and deleleted projects.

You have two choices:

  1. Wait for 30 days for the deleted project to be removed from your account.
  2. Undelete one of your projects and continue with that project.
  3. Request a project limit quota increase. Google might ask you to make an advance payment to increase your quota.

Project quota requests